I found a video on Twitter that details an example of a hydrogeology project. The video explains research from the University of McGill around exploring the flow of groundwater in proximity to a fault zone in Vermont. The video details a groundwater study and a interview with people involved in the project describing what they actually do.
There is a short part of the video that shows a drilling rig. I recently used a go-pro camera to record a day (or a few hours in the day) of a water well drilling program. I just have to add an interview with everyone talking about their role in the program!
UPDATE. APR-7-2014- NASA's GRACE satellite program measures global gravitational forces over time and can identify changes in surface gravity. Changes are interpreted to be related to a change in the volume of groundwater effecting the mass of the earth in a specific area. Previously I have been pictures of changes observed by the GRACE satellite, but I found a video at groundwatercanada.com that presents a much better visual image.