
Hydrogeology Cinema

I found a video on Twitter that details an example of a hydrogeology project. The video explains research from the University of McGill around exploring the flow of groundwater in proximity to a fault zone in Vermont. The video details a groundwater study and a interview with people involved in the project describing what they actually do. 

There is a short part of the video that shows a drilling rig.  I recently used a go-pro camera to record a day (or a few hours in the day) of a water well drilling program. I just have to add an interview with everyone talking about their role in the program!

UPDATE. APR-7-2014- NASA's GRACE satellite program measures global gravitational forces over time and can identify changes in surface gravity. Changes are interpreted to be related to a change in the volume of groundwater effecting the mass of the earth in a specific area. Previously I have been pictures of changes observed by the GRACE satellite, but I found a video at groundwatercanada.com that presents a much better visual image.


Lead Without a Title

I just finished reading  'The Leader Who Has No Title', by Robin Sharma. While it is a fair bit cheezy, and I didn't agree with everything, it was good book with a lot of defined methods for success (some good and some bad). I am writing them here as a place to keep them and remind myself later. There are four teachers in the book each with a success acronym as well as a few other phrases, lists and quotes to stay on the path to success. So here are the four main acronyms, a list and quote.

IMAGE: Innovation, Mastery, Authenticity, Guts, Ethics
SPARK: Speak with candor, Prioritize, Adversity breeds opportunity, Respond versus react, Kudos to everyone
HUMAN: Helpfulness, Understanding, Mingle, Amuse, Nurture
SHINE: See clearly, Health is wealth, Inspiration matters, Neglect not your family, Elevate your lifestyle

The 7 Fundamentals of Personal Leadership
1. Learning
2. Affirmations
3. Visualization
4. Journaling
5. Goal Setting
6. Exercise
7. Nutrition

Ya, fine, maybe one of the reasons I am writing this is because fundamental #4 is journaling ;)

And one quote for good luck: "Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results."